Sunday, January 15, 2012

Gamer Mani: Mass Effect and my night out

So you see me post every so often about date nights. I'm a mom but I'm also a woman (though that part comes dead freaking last sometimes I swear). HOWEVER this week we score TWO nights out!! This is HUGE for a couple who gets a date a month if we're lucky! So we got to both go to our friend's birthday party - pizza place first and then....karaoke *cue scary music* It was my first time and it was terrifying! Anyhow I did this manicure in honor of her birthday (she is Mass Effect obsessed) and because I adore Mass Effect. So you may not get this manicure and if you don't I am sorry you don't play awesome video games. Just sayin'
The thumb is the renegade symbol. I play paragon but she loves renegade. I used the technique Cutepolish does on Nyan Cat youtube tutorial. But I printed out a renegade symbol, slipped it into the plastic baggie and painted over it to create the symbol. Nice technique. It did drag a little since I'm out of my good topcoat. That's also why there's horrid tip wear :(

The last two are abbreviations from the game: ME is for Mass Effect and N7 is the call sign for the ship they use. The bose color for this manicure is so perfect and it was the one I wanted from the Sally Hansen Diamond Strength but opted for Black Tie instead. My girlie over at Constantly Redone gave me this goodie and I can not thank her enough. It is STUNNING and what I was hoping to get out of Zoya Raven.
Black with a TON of silver shimmer. I am in LOVE!!! It looks liquid on. So amazing!
Very, very subtle blue/green shimmer too. Have a great day peeps - we have snow here so it's COLD! More stuff coming up later - be sure to check out the mug contest here.

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