Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mister Mister Picks (Challenge issued...and accepted) (MMP1)

So this is the part of the week where I try to get Hubby's Picks posted. But, in an unusual turn of events, a new challenge has been issued. I was sitting here trying to think of a good post when the four year-old (whom we call Mister Mister - nope, no back story there) goes running out of the room. I listen for him and realize he's rummaging through my polish stash. Just as I was about to intervene he comes running back in with his hands behind his back. He gives me a giant and very proud grin and plunks down three polishes in Hubby's usual unveil way and declares, "Do these ones!" Here he is with his very proud grin about his great blog challenge choice:
 How proud does he look?! I have one cute and clever kiddo. Here's the picks for this week:
OPI Miami Beet, OPI The Spy Who Loved Me, and Color Club Perfect Mol-Ten. Sorry hubby - gotta be faster next time;). Be back this weekend to show you what I came up with!

Also I'd LOVE to take this chance to issue a fun creativity challenge! If you've got a kiddo have them look through and pick a couple polishes for you to do a manicure with. They say it's a good thing to see the world through your children's eyes. So see it! Send me your picture of your manicure (blogger or non-bloggers alike) and I'll create a page to show off your manicures! No specific deadline - just give it a whirl. mommydoes @ live . com 


  1. Hehehe. Do you have to incorporate the toys too?

    1. LOL! No toys are necessary ;) Unless you want to of course!

  2. I will take your challenge with my own polish loving boy. Put it out there.

    1. Thanks so much for the super cool idea and I so can't wait to see what he picks (my bet is on pink but he could surprise me).

  3. Awe, so cute. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

    1. Thanks so much! You know if you have a little one somewhere in your life you could join the challenge...just sayin'

  4. First... I LOVE that your little guy is totally in on the action. I'm totally untreated in what exactly drew him to those colors. Second... No kiddie here but I will a) have my baby cat pick a few, or b) get together with my little fashionista niece. Win-win. :)

    1. Fur babies are totally counted in! All babies or niece girlies are good for picking pretty combos ;) I'm really curious too because he was over there for awhile rummaging so it wasn't just the first ones he saw (two of these were all the way in the back).

  5. That's great! Can't wait to see your creation! He is so happy how fun!

    1. He just loves when mommy goes for the polish. He'll happily watch (and sometimes insist on a paint job himself) and just chat at me. He loves looking at polish blogs with me too.

  6. I would so love it if you did! It's super fun to see them concentrated while looking at colors - I really wish my son could explain his choices...but then the wonder of it is really half the fun ;)

  7. Awww so tender! Great idea on the creativity post, I think I may give that a try when I get the chance!

    1. Oh I really hope you do - I love your stories about your little ones that you post! I'd so love to see what they picked out ;)

  8. That's remarkably adorable. I can't even get my GIRLS to do something like that for me, let alone my son. Kudos to your cute family and I can't WAIT to see what you do with these. :D

    1. Just tell them how much fun it'd be to watch mom HAVE to do a manicure with whatever polishes they pick ;)
