My son is autistic. I remember when I was first told for certain that he was. I remember being told he wasn't minimally autistic. We're talking middle of the spectrum. A child who couldn't communicate with me...he didn't get emotions or dangers...he was three years old and I couldn't even take him shopping simply because he couldn't seem to handle it. Tantrums were a minute to minute thing and there was simply no getting through. The blank stare and enraged screams pierced my mommy heart. He barely slept his first three years. He'd sleep for 20 minutes and then scream for 2 hours. It was a non-stop onslaught. I was worn out and when his sister was born I instantly knew something was so wrong. It wasn't new mommy issues. It wasn't first baby issues. It was real.

When I was told I felt calm. I didn't react the way a lot of parents do. I didn't go into denial or try to rationalize it. I just understood. He started a special school and each day brought new discoveries. This boy who started walking at 9 months finally said mama at age three and half. Shortly thereafter he clearly said his first sentence, "Gabriel have drink." I sat in the kitchen sobbing with him while he drank his sippy quietly.
The world of autism is a strange place filled with a roller coaster of emotions. Even writing this the tears come rolling down my cheeks. Remembering all of these seemingly small things. Potty training issues, food texture issues, noise issues. On and on the list goes. Yet there was a light switch that got thrown and many hours of repetition, explanation and love he told us he loved us. My autistic boy who didn't get emotions smiled and simply said, "Gabriel loves mama".
This handsome boy is autistic. He's at the library where he won first place in his age division in a cooking contest judged by the head chef at the most prestigious restaurant in our city here. He read the recipe, carefully measured each ingredient, shaped the meatballs and made the glaze to go over the top. He's at the top of his class and leaps and bounds ahead of the other kids in reading and math. I love this little guy - he's my hero <3
Check out Constantly Undone on Flickr.
<3 Such a touching story, thanks for sharing! And Way to go on the cooking contest Gabriel!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome story and beautiful mani!!
ReplyDeleteNominated you for an award!
Your story is touching and the mani is interesting. I love water marble!
ReplyDeletewow - amazing post. As a mother who struggled with "just" a baby, I don't know where you found the strength to share Gabriel's trials with him, but wow, that's an awesome photo of him winning with his recipe. God bless xxx
ReplyDeleteThank you all for your wonderful comments. He makes me so very proud.